Newbury pair Dwayne Toussaint and Jake Blandford accused of GBH attack on Callum Brown

TWO men have been sent to the crown court charged with causing grievous bodily harm with intent.

One of the pair is also accused of illegally possessing a baseball bat in public.

Reading Magistrates' Court

Dwayne Toussaint and Jake Blandford appeared in the dock at Reading Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday, February 21.

Mr Toussaint, aged 18, and 19-year-old Mr Blandford, who both live in Ewing Way, Newbury, are each charged with unlawfully and maliciously assaulting Callum Brown with intent to cause him grievous bodily harm in Newbury on May 8 last year.

Mr Toussaint is also accused of having an offensive weapon, namely a baseball bat, in Dickens Walk, Newbury, on the same occasion.

The pair, who were each legally represented at the hearing by Mason Waker, were told the case would be sent to Reading Crown Court to be dealt with by a judge and, in the event of a trial, by a jury on a date to be fixed.

Mr Toussaint and Mr Blandford were each meanwhile released on unconditional bail.