Internet shreds Trump after ex-president warns of 'bloodbath' if he loses election

Donald Trump holds a press conference at Trump Turnberry.

Political onlookers took to social media on Saturday to skewer Donald Trump, who said at a rally that there would be a "bloodbath" if he lost to President Joe Biden later this year.

Trump was speaking at a Buckeye Values PAC Rally in Dayton, Ohio, where he flubbed his words several times and was accused of "glitching" on stage. In that same speech, he also included a line about the "bloodbath."

"Now, If I don't get elected, it's gonna be a bloodbath. It's going to be a bloodbath for the country," the ex-president said.

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Political strategist Lindy Li was clear about what this means for Trump.

"Trump just threatened a 'bloodbath for the country' if he’s not elected," Li wrote. "Let’s be VERY clear what this thug is doing — Inciting stochastic terrorism against the United States He is issuing marching orders for his MAGA terrorists This is 'Proud Boys, stand back & stand by' redux."

Radio broadcaster Phil Hendrie also chimed in:

"Trump has threatened a 'bloodbath for the country' if he isn’t elected. But if we say to him 'that s--- works both ways' are we now threatening his punk a--? When is it illegal for a presidential candidate to threaten the country with a 'bloodbath?' Trump, you’re not even a man."

Singer Bill Madden said Saturday, "Merrick Garland, are you listening?"

"At a rally today in Ohio, Trump threatened violence if he is not declared the winner of the 2024 election: 'If I don't get elected, it's gonna be a bloodbath ... It's going to be a bloodbath for the country,'" Madden wrote.

The Shallow State wrote, "Trump is faltering."

"Even people his team pays to be visible to the camera seem not sure what to make of it. He reads off a sheet of paper, then flips it to the crowd. He slurs. He says if he doesn't get elected it will be a bloodbath. No applause to speak of. He's struggling."

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