'How deep the rot goes': Social media erupts after Trump glorifies Jan. 6 convicts

Joshua Roberts/Getty Images

Donald Trump on Saturday came under fire for how he glorifies people convicted of crimes amid the insurrection following his speech on Jan. 6, 2021.

Trump over the weekend spoke at a Buckeye Values PAC Rally in Dayton, Ohio, where he flubbed his words several times and was accused of "glitching" on stage. In that same speech, he also warned of an impending "bloodbath" if he loses the election.

But before the former president's talk even began, the announcer was already referring to convicts from Jan. 6 as "hostages." The J6 Prison Choir also sang the opening song before Trump spoke.

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"Well thank you very much, and you see the spirit from the hostages, and that's what they are. Hostages. We’re going to work with the people to treat those unbelievable patriots, and they were unbelievable patriots," Trump said at the rally on Saturday.

David Corn, D.C. bureau chief of Mother Jones and MSNBC analyst, had this to say:

"This guy calls the rioters who beat up cops in an attempt to overturn a legitimate election 'unbelievable patriots.' That this doesn’t disqualify him within the GOP or among the tens of millions of voters who have voted for him shows how deep the rot goes."

Trump was also called out for saluting as the J6 Prison Choir continued singing.

@MeidasTouch introduced salute rally clip to its readers:

"Here is the part of Trump’s speech where he plays a song he sings with the most violent terrorists who tried to kill lawmakers and police officers on January 6th while footage of the attack plays. Trump replaces the National Anthem with the January 6th Anthem at every rally."

In reference to Trump calling the prisoners hostages, a popular account called Spiro’s Ghost said this: "In a sane America not overrun by millions of lunatic cult members who worship a completely deranged conman, this single insane utterance would be TOTALLY disqualifying."

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