Newark Town Council’s Finance and General Purposes committee approve changes to cemetery fees, charges and services at Newark Cemetery

A number of further changes to the services available at Newark Cemetery have been approved.

Newark Town Council’s Finance and General Purposes committee met to discussed changes to fees, charges and services at Newark Cemetery.

It comes after the council made the decision last month to stop allowing non Newark Residents to be buried in the cemetery in order to extend its operational lifespan.

Newark Cemetery.

The most recent changes include charging £180 for additional spoil removal after graves larger than the standard 7ft by 3ft size are requested.

Requests for walled grave or vaults be charged based on overhead costs rather than a flat rate as third party contractors will have to be involved and quotes sought which will lead to varying costs.

Triple depth graves will now no longer be offered on health and safety grounds due to risk of a grave collapse during digging — this change will only affect new graves, and current triple depth graves will be honoured.

Additionally, memorial plaques on benches within the cemetery will be reduced from £360 to £150 in order to encourage uptake of the service.

Newark Cemetery.

Although very rare, the cost of exhumations will increase to £4,000 to bring Newark in line with other authorities and cover contractor fees.

The changes were approved committee members.

The council also gave devolved authority to the town clerk to consult with staff on the logistics and cost of providing out of hours interment, a service not currently offered by the council.