Man throws Molotov cocktails at Russian embassy in Moldova during elections

Photo: in Moldova, a man threw Molotov cocktails at the Russian embassy during the elections (

In the Moldovan capital, Chisinau, a 54-year-old man threw two Molotov cocktails onto the territory of the Russian embassy. Today, a polling station for voting was opened there, reports NewsMaker.

According to law enforcement data, at the moment of apprehension, the man managed to throw two Molotov cocktails over the fence of the Russian embassy. Afterward, he was apprehended and identified.

The detainee turned out to be a citizen of Moldova, who claims to also hold Russian citizenship. Currently, law enforcement is verifying his claims. He justified his actions by expressing dissatisfaction with the actions of the Russian government.

The Russian embassy condemned the man's actions and called for "severe punishment."

Elections in Russia

In Russia, the "elections" will take place over three days, from March 15 to March 17, 2024. On December 8, 2023, Putin officially announced his intention to run for re-election.

As Reuters reported, thanks to the "elections," the dictator can remain in power until at least 2030. Meanwhile, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has already stated that Putin will be re-elected with a result of 90% of the votes.

Meanwhile, the Security Service of Ukraine has revealed how pseudo-elections are taking place in the occupied territories. According to Vadym Skibitskyi, a representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, the results of the "elections" are already known in the Kremlin beforehand.

More details on pseudo-elections in the occupied territories can be found in the material by RBC-Ukraine titled "Elections at gunpoint: How Russians force Ukrainians in occupied territories to vote for Putin."