Putin has stolen another election, but he will not steal Ukraine - UK Defense Minister

UK Defense Secretary Grant Shapps (Getty Images)

Russian dictator Vladimir Putin once again stole the elections in the Russian Federation, said the Minister of Defense of Great Britain, Grant Shapps.

"Putin has stolen another election, but he will not steal Ukraine. The UK will work with our allies to stop this thief by increasing our collective support for Ukraine. As history shows, we have to stop dictators & autocrats, or they go on to steal even more," he emphasized.

Pseudo-elections near Russia

Putin claimed victory in the presidential elections in Russia on March 17, further cementing his already tight grip on power.

The result means that the 71-year-old Putin will enter a new six-year term, surpassing Joseph Stalin and becoming the longest-serving leader of Russia in over 200 years.

Putin garnered 87.8% of the votes, which is the highest result in the post-Soviet history of Russia, according to polls. The first official results showed approximately the same data.