Brad Dourif’s birthday astrology and your horoscope for March 18, 2024

Magi Helena (TNS)

BIRTHDAY STAR: Actor Brad Dourif was born in Huntington, West Virginia, on this day in 1950. This birthday star earned a 1976 Oscar nomination for his role in “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.” He voiced the role of Chucky in the “Child’s Play” film franchise as well as in the “Chucky” TV series. Dourif’s other film work includes roles in “The Exorcist III,” “Mississippi Burning,” and “Dune.” Dourif is the father of actor Fiona Dourif.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Every person and every relationship comes with baggage, but you could be beginning to feel like you’re stuck in a cargo hold. If you start digging, you’ll may see that it’s the emotional equivalent of missed opportunities.

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Focus on what’s good for everyone as well as what you want. Set a good example by showing a friendly face in the crowd and lending a helping hand. A great attitude makes your day better and sets a good example, too.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Use careful judgement when dealing with anyone who is camouflaging their true feelings. Sometimes enthusiasm can make the difference between making a positive impression and receiving a lukewarm reception.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Extremes aren’t the best basis for setting policy. Do any prep that is needed to avert disaster but don’t assume the worst. Plan for success and trust your ability to handle problems when and if they arise.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): You recognize good sense when you hear it, so a partner or friend may end up favorably influencing key decisions and personal plans. Don’t let interpersonal politics or policies get in the way of doing your tasks well.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): If you prepare yourself for the challenge you can make headway if you are called to perform at the highest level. By listening to someone’s advice you could make clever personal choices, or smart financial moves.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): If you’re making yourself vague promises thinking it’s all a dress rehearsal, it’s not. No one can grow your wings for you, you have to do that for yourself. If you’re not 100% living up to your potential, consider how to begin.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): People shovel shame onto others to try to avoid carrying it themselves. You don’t need to take it personally or let it undermine your confidence. The cure for both is self-work, but your only control is in doing your own.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Consider going ahead with a creative venture even if you must do it alone; not everyone has a crew that is generous with support. If you need to go it alone for a while, you can. Unless a purchase makes good sense, don’t buy it.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Don’t be afraid to reveal the depth and extent of your soul’s passions to the right people. But first, be sure that is what they are. Be discerning about who you open up to and you won’t need to trivialize yourself.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): The staying power to achieve success can be just getting up off the floor one more time. Embrace opportunities and pour yourself into your work or tasks. Remain confident and don’t let anyone put doubts in your mind.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You might want to be a team player, but that doesn’t mean you can’t demonstrate individual competitive skills. Throw the full force of your personality behind any ambitious undertaking that could lead to success.

IF MARCH 18 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: For the next week or two you may make new contacts and even lasting friends who can assist you in achieving your goals. You may be sensitive to your environment during the next four to five weeks so you can adjust your habits to attain better health and peace of mind. In May, consider accepting the guidance of people more experienced than you and remain alert for valuable help in the form of a job offer or an opportunity that might upgrade your future. Daydreams or fantasies could lead you astray in July so don’t get caught up in a romantic entanglement or financial scheme that could needlessly complicate your life. In September your business sense may possibly be at its best, so this might be a helpful time to focus on financial affairs and career prospects. However, you could be too sympathetic to those in need, or lack the energy to move forward sufficiently yourself at that time.


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