Trump accuses critics of 'destruction of our nation' in defense of his 'bloodbath' claim

Donald Trump at a press conference in 2017. (

On Monday morning, Donald Trump lashed out at his critics for all the attention he has garnered after saying a "bloodbath" would occur if he is not re-elected in November.

On Saturday, the former president told rallygoers in Ohio, "If I don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath for the whole — that's going to be the least of it. It's going to be a bloodbath for the country."

While his campaign pushed back and stated he was talking about the auto industry facing devastation, critics noted he has a history of using inflammatory language directed at his followers similar to his exhortations in 2020 to supporters to come to Washing D.C. ("Be there, will be wild!”) that helped precipitate the Jan. 6 insurrection.

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Echoing his campaign's statement, the former president took to his Truth Social platform to double down and accuse his critics of trying to hurt America.

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"The Fake News Media, and their Democrat Partners in the destruction of our Nation, pretended to be shocked at my use of the word BLOODBATH, even though they fully understood that I was simply referring to imports allowed by Crooked Joe Biden, which are killing the automobile industry," he wrote.

He then added, "The United Auto Workers, but not their leadership, fully understand what I mean. With the Electric Car Mandate being pushed by Biden, there soon won’t be any cars made in the USA - UNLESS I’M ELECTED PRESIDENT, IN WHICH CASE AUTO MANUFACTURING WILL THRIVE LIKE NEVER BEFORE!!! MAGA2024."

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