'Not an iota of evidence' why Judge Cannon should dismiss Trump's Mar-a-Lago case: expert

Judge Aileen Cannon

On her "Civil Discourse" Substack platform, former prosecutor Joyce Vance once again made the case that Trump-appointed Judge Aileen Cannon is giving the former president a helping hand by giving serious consideration to what she believes are unserious legal maneuvers.

Reflecting on the Florida courtroom hearing last week, Vance wrote, "Judge Cannon also discussed, as though it was a serious thing, Trump’s motion to dismiss for selective or vindictive prosecution."

"To succeed, Trump would need proof that prosecutors singled him out for prosecution for discriminatory reasons despite not prosecuting others for the same conduct or that the prosecution was retaliation for his exercise of his rights," she added. "In other words, there’s not an iota of evidence to suggests Judge Cannon should do anything other than deny the motion promptly."

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She added the caveat that Cannon could order more discovery as yet another delaying tactic.

"But one option, if she is taking it seriously, is to find that Trump has established a prima facie case for it, or at least that he’s entitled to more discovery to try and do so, and to permit a wide-ranging inquiry into the government’s process here," she explained.

You can read much more here.

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