US Designates Western Balkan Officials For Corruption Involvement

The State Department announced today the designation of three officials from the Western Balkans region for their involvement in “significant” corruption. The designated individuals are Katica Janeva, former Special Chief Prosecutor of North Macedonia; Stevco Jakimovski, current mayor of Karpos, North Macedonia; and Xhabir Zharku, former mayor of Kacanik, Kosovo. These designations were made under Section 7031(c) of the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2023, as carried forward by the Continuing Appropriations Act.

1. Katica Janeva: Former North Macedonia Special Chief Prosecutor. According to the State Department, she abused her political influence and official power for personal gain, engaging in corrupt acts including soliciting and accepting bribes to influence prosecutions under her jurisdiction. 2. Stevco Jakimovski: Mayor of Karpos municipality, North Macedonia. According to the State Department, Jakimovski was involved in corrupt activities, leveraging his official position to interfere with urban development and procurement processes for personal benefit and that of his associates. 3. Xhabir Zharku: Former mayor of Kacanik municipality, Kosovo. Zharku abused his position to unlawfully permit construction on municipal property, benefiting himself and his associates through corrupt procurement practices.