London to Lagos driver Pelumi Nubi denied border access in Sierra Leone

Pelumi Nubi [Instagram] ©(c) provided by Pulse Nigeria

Just when it seems the finish line is in sight, Pelumi faces a new hurdle on her incredible journey.

Pelumi Nubi, a travel content creator, began an audacious adventure in January 2024 to drive from London to Lagos in two months.

After battling through countless bureaucratic hurdles at various borders, she has hit a wall in Sierra Leone. The border officials told her that the country’s regulations prevent right-hand drive vehicles from entering.

READ ALSO: London to Lagos by car: Pelumi Nubi arrives in Lagos in 10 days

According to a video posted on her Instagram account, they are making up rules on the spot, and they don’t believe she’s travelling from London.

"They said 'access denied!' I'm so close to the finish line, and I'm facing a tide of challenges," Pelumi lamented in a recent post. "It feels like for every step forward, I'm pushed three steps back."

According to Pelumi Nubi, this unexpected setback highlights the dual nature of this adventure—physical and spiritual. She says she will find solace in prayer.

Reaching out to their online community, Pelumu pleads for words of encouragement: "This is a call to all of you, my virtual family, to send your words of hope and encouragement. Because, hmm, do I have stories for days? Your support truly means so much to me, and I really hope they let me and the car into Sierra Leone soon."