Everton are doing something 'critically important' to improve the atmosphere at Bramley-Moore dock stadium

Everton were once famed for their unflinching home atmosphere, with Goodison Park a fortress where no team would want to play.

Nowadays, however, clubs likely relish their trip to Merseyside, knowing just how easy it has become to turn over the home side in Royal Blue.

Whether that be down to a lack of confidence, quality or passionate support remains to be seen, but the steady decline in the atmosphere is there for all to see. And that should come as no surprise given the horrors these supporters have been put through.

Fortunately, a plan is in place to find a solution.

Everton have crucial Bramley-Moore Dock stadium plan

Writing for iNews, one report detail all the exciting new plans that Everton have regarding their brand-new stadium.

From hospitality packages to the small from inside the arena, they have everything planned perfectly it seems.

Even, fortunately, the atmosphere.

Photo by Tony McArdle/Everton FC via Getty Images

Having seen the energy at Goodison Park decline in recent years, unsurprisingly so as results have done too, a fresh start in a new home could reinvigorate fans.

Journalist Mark Douglas outlines the plans they have to encourage this, noting: ‘It is a vast venue but somehow when you get out onto the terraces it feels more intimate, your proximity to the pitch giving it a claustrophobic feel.

‘That is deliberate, it is explained to me. The intention of architect Dan Meis was to transplant the Goodison Park atmosphere to the new arena and to do that they’ve pulled the pitch as close to the stands as they can.

‘Acoustics are seen as critically important, too. The barrel roof, which will be lit blue at night and is currently being constructed around the ground, has been designed to reverberate noise back into the stadium. “On those big game nights it’s going to be an absolute bearpit,” one club employee notes.’

Goodison Park’s atmosphere is declining fast

As aforementioned, the atmosphere at Goodison Park has been a real bone of contention in recent years.

After all, no fan wants to admit when the passion has dwindled, but given the unrelenting poor form of this Everton team, it was only natural.

That has not been helped by all the off-pitch antics, which really have taken a toll on what used to be one of the fiercest home atmospheres in the Premier League.

Now largely quiet, filled with supporters who don’t love their club any less but are swiftly losing interest in football in general, this move couldn’t come at a better time.

Photo by Rob Newell – CameraSport via Getty Images

After all, it might just provide that much-needed spark to get them back invested again, and in turn start driving the team to some better results.