Thuringia polls see AfD still strong and coalition formation tricky

Two new opinion polls released on Tuesday show the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) remains the strongest party in the state of Thuringia, five months before elections are held there.

However, one survey found that the AfD had not gained any ground, and the other that it's level of support had actually declined.

The surveys also show that support for the newly formed Sahra Wagenknecht alliance party (BSW) stands at between 13% and 15%. The populist party combines left–wing social policy with an anti-immigrant stance and criticism of the European Union. It has yet to be tested at the ballot box.

The polls suggest that forming a coalition government in the state is likely to prove very difficult.

In an Insa poll commissioned by Funke Medien Thüringen, state Premier Bodo Ramelow's Left Party has 18%, while a poll conducted by infratest dimap on behalf of the public broadcaster MDR found its support stood at 16%.

Both institutes agree that the AfD currently remains the strongest political force in Thuringia. The party, which has been classified as right-wing extremist by Thuringia's domestic intelligence office currently has 29% support according to the MDR poll - 5% less than in the last survey in July 2023.

However the Insa poll places the AfD unchanged at 31%. It found the conservative Christian Democrats (CDU) had increased their standing slightly since a survey conducted in January to 21%.