‘Stay tuned’: Melania Trump makes rare campaign appearance — but won’t promise more

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Former First Lady Melania Trump made a rare appearance alongside her husband Tuesday — but declined to say whether she would be seen more as his presidential campaign heats up.

Following voting in the Florida Republican primary, former President Donald Trump addressed reporters. However, it was Melania Trump who received one of the first questions.

"Ms. Trump, are you going to return to the campaign trail with your husband?" the reporter asked.

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"Stay tuned," she responded as her husband smiled.

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The former president was also asked if he could cover the bond in his New York fraud trial.

"I built a great company, one of the greatest companies anywhere in the country, especially when it comes to real estate, have some of the greatest assets in the world, and this is a rigged trial," Donald Trump ranted. "We have a lot of cash, and we have a great company, but they want to take it away, or at least take the cash element away."

"Billions of dollars in value, billions of dollars in properties, but they'd like to take the cash away so I can't use it on the campaign," he added. "And this is just a corrupt group of people. It's election interference, and we'll see how the courts rule on it."

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