Stephen A. Smith Demands CNN 'Prove' Aaron Rodgers Denied Sandy Hook Shooting

Stephen A. Smith demanded that CNN “prove” NFL star Aaron Rodgers denied the events of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.MEGA

Sports radio host Stephen A. Smith demanded that CNN “prove” NFL star Aaron Rodgers denied the events of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting shortly after the devastating shooting took place in 2012, has learned.

CNN accused Rodgers of denying the events of the December 2012 shooting shortly after the NFL star was rumored to be one of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s potential running mate picks for the 2024 presidential election last week.

CNN accused Rodgers of denying the events of the December 2012 shooting last week.MEGA

According to CNN reporter Pamela Brown, the New York Jet accused the media of “covering up” conspiracy theories connected to the Sandy Hook shooting during a conversation she shared with Rodgers during the 2013 Kentucky Derby.

Brown also alleged that Rodgers called the shooting a “government inside job,” while a second source claimed that Rodgers said the shooting “never happened and the parents were actors.”

20 children, as well as six adults, were killed on December 14, 2012 when Adam Lanza stormed the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut and opened fire.

Flash forward to the latest episode of The Stephen A. Smith Show, and Smith called on CNN to “prove” Brown’s allegations against Rodgers took place back in 2013.

Smith called on CNN to “prove” Brown’s allegations against Rodgers took place back in 2013.MEGA

“In the interest of fairness,” Smith charged this week, “I would ask this of the CNN reporter and CNN as the network: Why are we hearing about this just now if this is what transpired in 2013? How is that happening?”

“If you’re in the news business, how is something relevant 12 years later when you never mentioned it 12 years ago?” he added.

The sports show host then suggested that CNN only published their story about Rodgers after Rodgers was rumored to be one of RFK Jr.’s potential vice president picks.

“I understand that Aaron Rodgers may be a VP running mate of RFK Jr., but he isn’t yet; and if he isn’t yet, then what would be the reason for bringing this up now?” Smith speculated. “And if you’re going to bring this up now, where’s the evidence?”

“I would ask this of the CNN reporter and CNN as the network: Why are we hearing about this just now?"MEGA

“Because I got news for you,” he continued. “After Aaron Rodgers issued his statement, the burden is on Miss Pamela Brown. The burden is on CNN. Where’s your evidence?”

Smith concluded his fiery remarks by once again calling on CNN to “show proof” that Rodgers denied the events of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting more than ten years ago.

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“You reported allegations of Aaron Rodgers being associated with a conspiracy theory that denies the killings, the murders, of elementary school kids at Sandy Hook Elementary School,” Smith concluded.

“Now the onus is on CNN to show us proof since you put that story out for the world to see!”

As previously reported, Rodgers has since denied the allegations made about him by CNN reporter Pamela Brown and one additional anonymous source.

The NFL star denied calling the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting a “government inside job” and he denied saying that the December 2012 shooting “never happened and the parents were actors.”

“As I’m on the record saying in the past, what happened in Sandy Hook was an absolute tragedy,” the professional quarterback said on Thursday. “I am not and have never been of the opinion that the events did not take place.”

“Again, I hope that we learn from this and other tragedies to identify the signs that will allow us to prevent unnecessary loss of life,” he continued. “My thoughts and prayers continue to remain with the families affected along with the entire Sandy Hook community.”

CNN has not yet responded to Smith’s challenge for proof regarding the allegations against Rodgers.