'Like you're chasing your tail': Newsmax host skeptical of Jim Jordan's impeachment push

Jim Jordan (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) is trying to keep the GOP-led impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden going, but even a host at the conservative TV network Newsmax seems to think it's running out of steam.

In an interview with Jordan on Wednesday, Newsmax host Rob Finnerty pressed Jordan about how realistic it is that Biden actually gets impeached in the coming weeks.

"Is impeachment the next step?" he asked Jordan. "Are you going to hold a vote?"

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Before Jordan could answer those two questions, Finnerty made the case that an impeachment vote was unlikely.

"I know it's up to Mike Johnson," he said. "But the margins, congressman: You lost Ken Buck last week, you lost Kevin McCarthy, George Santos was ousted. Unless you get Democratic votes, this is going to be real tough. So it kind of seems like you're chasing your tail at this point because this is not going to go anywhere."

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Jordan did his best to put a positive spin on the situation.

"Fair question, we've got a small majority, everyone understands that," he said. "Our job, under the Constitution, is to do oversight of the executive branch. We're doing that, we're going to continue to do that. There's no time limit in the Constitution on how long you can do an investigation."

Finnerty's skepticism comes as GOP efforts to find evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors committed by Biden have fizzled, as earlier this year their star witness in the case was arrested and charged with fabricating claims to federal investigators about Biden accepting bribes from Ukrainian energy firm Burisma.

Rep. James Comer (R-KY), who has been taking the lead in the Biden impeachment probe, has been acknowledging that he doesn't currently have the votes to impeach the president and has instead tried to pivot to possibly making criminal referrals against Biden and his family instead, despite the fact that Department of Justice policy states that a sitting president cannot be criminally indicted.

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