Russia aims to discredit Ukraine in Egypt, Ukrainian intelligence reports

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Russia has intensified its campaign to discredit Ukraine in the Middle East. In particular, this concerns Egypt, according to the Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine on Telegram.

As intelligence indicates, the Kremlin's tasks in this hybrid operation are:

  • Justify the annexation war.
  • Discredit Ukraine and Western states.
  • Impose unacceptable terms for negotiations.
  • Improve its own position in the region.
  • Achieve a reduction in the economic and political pressure Moscow faces due to aggression and the commission of war crimes.

The Defense Intelligence adds that Russia is utilizing an agent network, propaganda, and diplomatic representations.

According to intelligence data, employees of the Russian embassy in Egypt received instructions from the Kremlin to conduct a series of meetings under diplomatic cover to spread disinformation about the war and recruitment.

Additionally, Russians are distributing propaganda materials to embassies of other states in Cairo, justifying the war against Ukraine. These materials, titled "On the Role of the West in the Conflict in Ukraine" and "On the Situation around Ukraine," present Putin's version of Ukrainian history, portraying Russia as a victim.

The key idea the Kremlin is promoting in the Middle East is the inevitability of its imposed scenario for ending the war.

"It includes depriving Ukraine of military aid from the West, ceasing hostilities by the Security and Defense Forces of our state, Moscow retaining control over the occupied Ukrainian territories, and other absurdities like eternal non-block status, denazification, and demilitarization," the military intelligence message states.

Propaganda operation Perun

In February 2024, the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine reported that Russia had begun Operation Perun to discredit Ukraine. As part of this operation, Russia plans to involve foreign journalists, media figures, and bloggers to justify aggression against Ukraine.

Later, Ukrainian intelligence reported on the active phase of the enemy's special operation, which coincided with the election of the President of the Russian Federation. The information campaign is planned to conclude by June 30.