Whoopi Goldberg dabs tears from eyes at thought of Trump being unable to pay his bills

Whoopi Goldberg dabs fake tears for Trump being broke (Photo: Screen capture/ABC video)

Whoopi Goldberg began a Wednesday segment of "The View" pretending to shed tears for Donald Trump after his lawyers told a New York court he didn't actually have the money to pay his bills.

"I'm so sorry," she said, pretending to be emotional. "So, as it turns out, you-know-who says he cannot come up with the cash to cover his $400 million-plus bond in his New York fraud case."

"You need a tissue?" asked colleague Joy Behar, pulling a purse-sized packet from her pocket.

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The panel questioned why Trump has so much support from millionaires and billionaires, but no one is rushing to put up a bond for him. One of those people is his own son-in-law, Jared Kushner, the hosts said.

"That was surprising Jared is not going to give him part of his $2 billion cache he probably got only because he worked in the Trump administration," said Sunny Hostin. "But I will say this, to reiterate: the reason people will not lend him money is because he is notorious for stiffing people who work for him."

"Who loses money on casinos?" asked Behar.

"Because he had three casinos together, two to three, and his actuary said they would cannibalize each other. He did it anyway; 100 contractors weren't paid because of it and lost their homes and livelihoods. It happened in 2016." said Hostin.

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"There is no way anybody is going to lend money to him, and I can't wait to see the chains on trump tower on Fifth Avenue. I'm kind of excited about it."

Former Trump White House communications director Alyssa Farah Griffin brought up Fox hosts who are also unwilling to help him.

"Can we talk about some of these folks at Fox News who are raging that billionaires are not stepping up to give the money to Trump?" she asked. "One of them was Mark Levin, somebody who refers to himself as 'the great one,' so that tells you all you need to know about him. [He] has a reported net worth of $50 million, but he's not ponying up" [for Trump].

See the panel discussion in the video below or at the link here.

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