German Air Force to receive four new Patriot air defence systems

German Minister of Defense, Boris Pistorius, and Wiebke Esdar, Chairwoman of the Special Assets Committee, speak to journalists before the 5th meeting of the Special Funds for the Bundeswehr committee. Jonathan Penschek/dpa

The German parliament has given the green light for the purchase of four Patriot air defence systems for the country's armed forces.

Following the Defence Committee's lead, the Budget Committee gave its necessary approval for the procurement on Wednesday in Berlin, according to reports from the Bundestag.

The German Air Force had handed over two of its Patriot systems to Ukraine and only had 10 left for its own use.

They are among the most modern in the world, and are used to combat enemy aircraft, ballistic missiles and cruise missiles. The defence missiles can hit targets at a distance of around 100 kilometres and at altitudes of up to 30 kilometres in an imaginary bell around the position - depending on the missile used.

The total cost of the four systems is estimated at €1.3 billion ($1.4 billion).

German Minister of Defense, Boris Pistorius, speaks to journalists before the 5th meeting of the Special Funds for the Bundeswehr committee. Jonathan Penschek/dpa