Liberal Paradise: CA Beach Closed to Camping, Visitors Leaving Too Much Human Waste

Nelson Cheung / Getty Images

Marxism's peculiar mixture of narcissism and nihilism means that authoritarian leftists despise the world around them.

They cannot make themselves greater than God's creation, so they try to destroy all that they cannot control, and they make beautiful things ugly by design.

According to a staff report published Thursday, the California Coastal Commission has conditionally agreed to prohibit overnight camping and campfires at San Carpoforo Beach in San Luis Obispo County for up to two years.

The 34-page report noted that "visitors have sometimes left large amounts of trash, debris, and human waste at the beach."

According to the San Francisco-based news website SFGate, daytime use will still be allowed while overnight stays are prohibited.

San Carpoforo was the only beach campsite in the area that was free to the public. But that availability has created a problem, for lately campers have not treated the beach with much respect.

Notably, the CCC itself did not initiate the beach-camping prohibition. According to its staff report, the recommendation came from the U.S. Forest Service.

The USFS has expressed concern for several "sensitive species and habitats" at the beach.

In addition to free public access and limited management resources, the report cited "a relatively recent and substantial increase in visitation coupled with the lack of visitor amenities such as trash cans, restrooms, fire rings, and others," as a major factor that has "resulted in high levels of trash, debris, and
impacts to the sensitive species and habitats."

In other words, more people have visited the free beach campsite in recent years. And they have behaved poorly.

Responsible adults do not interpret "free beach camping" as an invitation to defecate wherever they please. Responsible adults don't leave mountains of trash behind them when they leave a camping area.

Clearly, responsible adults haven't been the ones behind the skyrocketing camping at San Carpoforo Beach.

That something like this would happen in California, a den of authoritarian leftism, should surprise no one.

In fact, the entire central California region seems to have this same problem.

Recall, for instance, a November debate between Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, then a Republican presidential candidate, and Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom of California.

At one point in the debate, DeSantis held up a printed screenshot of a map with brown-colored plot points. Each plot point represented a report of human feces on San Francisco streets.

Thus, the Gavin Newsom Poop Map symbolized the hideous reality of life under authoritarian-leftist regimes.

California, of course, boasts breathtaking natural beauty. Its aesthetic allure and abundant resources have captured Americans' imaginations for nearly two centuries.

In fact, many 19th-century travelers simply passed through the U.S. interior on their way to the beautiful west coast. Hence, California achieved statehood in 1850 \-- earlier than Minnesota (1858), Kansas (1861), or Nebraska (1867).

Today, however, that Pacific paradise has succumbed to the Marxist narcissism and nihilism that characterized the Black Lives Matter madness of 2020.

Authoritarian leftists from BLM and elsewhere set out to destroy everything they despise about America, starting with its past.

And we know their kind. We recognize them from various 20th-century Marxist orgies of destruction, such as the Cultural Revolution in China.

Beginning in 1964, Communist dictator Mao Zedong initiated a war on China's past. Mobs of young people, called "Red Guards," toppled statues and changed the names of everything around them so as to reflect their hatred of the "old."

Author Jung Chang, a teenager during the Cultural Revolution, described her experience in the book "Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China." One passage in particular stands out for its relevance to the post-BLM United States.

"Wherever we went as we traveled down the Yangtze [River] we saw the aftermath of the Cultural Revolution: temples smashed, statues toppled, and old towns wrecked. Little evidence remained of China's ancient civilization," she wrote.

"But the loss went even deeper than this. Not only had China destroyed most of its beautiful things, it had lost its appreciation of them, and was unable to make new ones. Except for the much-scarred but still stunning landscape, China had become an ugly country," she added.

Similarly consumed by authoritarian leftism, California \-- despite its own stunning landscape -- has also become ugly.