Jim Jordan derails subpoena of Jared Kushner at 'influence peddling' hearing

House Oversight/screen grab

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) successfully blocked a subpoena of Jared Kushner's business records at a hearing on "influence peddling."

After Democrats on Wednesday called on Kushner to be subpoenaed over questions about a financial deal he made with Saudi Arabia, Jordan took on the task of defending former President Donald Trump's son-in-law.

"I was just going to point out that Jared Kushner was one of the key officials involved in the Abraham Accords," Jordan said. "Jared Kushner was doing good work with the Abraham Accords. Of course, the Democrats don't want to admit that."

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Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) followed up by officially motioning for a subpoena of Kushner.

"I have a motion I would move pursuant to clause 2k6 of rule 11 that the committee Issue a subpoena to Jared Kushner to compel testimony related to the two billion dollars collected from Saudi Arabia after his service within the White House," Raskin said.

Jordan immediately moved to table the motion, which Comer noted was not debatable. The committee tabled the motion to subpoena Kushner with a voice vote.

Watch the video below from House Oversight.

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