US seeks to impose sanctions against Huawei's secretive Chinese chip network

Photo: The US plans to impose sanctions against the Chinese company Huawei (GettyImages)

The United States is displeased with Huawei's continued production of advanced chips despite sanctions. Additionally, they suspect that the company has organized a secret supply network, according to SCMP.

As reported by the source, the White House plans to intensify pressure on Huawei, which last year introduced an advanced processor for 5G smartphones.

Specifically, according to the sources of the agency, in addition to companies that actually produce chips, Shenzhen Pengjin High-Tech Co. and SiCarrier may fall under US sanctions. These are firms that manufacture equipment for chip production and help Huawei gain access to Western equipment.

However, it is currently unclear whether the US has evidence linking these companies to Huawei. It is also unknown when the US will make a final decision on imposing sanctions on Huawei's partner companies.

China's espionage activities worldwide

Recently, a US Navy serviceman was sentenced to 27 months in prison for accepting a bribe of nearly $15,000 from a Chinese intelligence officer in exchange for photographs of US military information.

And a year ago, China could have been using its spy balloons over the airspace of the United Kingdom.

Earlier, US President Joe Biden signed a law banning the use of equipment from Chinese telecommunications companies Huawei and ZTE in the United States.