'Sad Stunt': James Comer invites President Joe Biden to 'clown show' impeachment hearing

(Mandel Ngan / AFP )

He's planning to invite President Joe Biden to answer questions under oath and now he's getting blowback.

House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) has floated publicly his intention to invite President Joe Biden, who at one point was allegedly referred to as "the big guy" in Hunter Biden's dealings with associates, to come and testify before lawmakers as part of House Republicans’ impeachment inquiry into the president.

“In the coming days, I will invite President Joe Biden to the House Oversight Committee to provide his own testimony and explain why his family received tens of millions of dollars from foreign companies with his assistance,” Comer posted on Twitter/X.

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The announcement came after a chaotic hearing on Wednesday where some Democratic and Republican witnesses jabbed with each other and committee members as part of a probe to determine corruption on behalf of Biden family members and their business associates.

So far, it doesn't appear the president is going to take the request seriously.

In fact, White House press spokesman Ian Sams slammed the invite idea as an aimless "stunt."

"LOL," he tweeted. "Comer knows 20+ witnesses have testified that POTUS did nothing wrong."

"He knows that the hundreds of thousands of pages of records he’s received have refuted his false allegations. This is a sad stunt at the end of a dead impeachment. Call it a day, pal."

Others lashed out at the effort to put Biden on the hot seat.

"Good luck with that, Comer Pyle," Art Candee posted in response. "You’re an absolute farce."

@MakeTexasBlue22 also argued: "No one from the White House is coming to your clown show!"

Some came out cheering on Comer.

Joel Schamber applauded Biden facing a firing squad of questions, stating, "I'd pay good money to see him answer a question without knowing what it is beforehand."

"Good move," wrote Lawrence Ronglien, before expressing some apprehension. "We know he won't come, but good move."

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