'Swing voters don't like criminals': Pollster whacks claim that trials are good for Trump

Former President and 2024 Republican frontrunner Donald Trump attended a pre-trial hearing at Manhattan Criminal Court on Feb. 15, 2024 in New York City. (Photo by Steven Hirsch-Pool/Getty Images)

Pollster Sarah Longwell on Thursday slapped down a claim by a fellow CNN panelist who said that New York Attorney General Letitia James seizing Trump Tower would benefit the former president politically.

During a discussion of Trump's legal woes, CNN analyst Mark Preston said that Democrats should be wary of James taking Trump's properties as a way to ensure he pays the massive civil fraud verdict leveled against him.

"Politically that would be a disaster for Democrats," he said. "Because it would just be big government... I think it would not only energize the MAGA voters, it would probably turn off some independent voters across the country who are saying, 'Big government is coming in and taking over my property.'"

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Longwell, a one-time Republican pollster who has ditched trying to help the party so long as Trump is leading it, had a decidedly different take on the matter.

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"I think you really have to separate base voters, for whom Donald Trump's persecution and all of these instances provide a kind of rally-around-Trump effect," she said. "But swing voters don't like criminals and they are different from the base voters."

She then said that such voters would be further repulsed when they realized what was really behind Trump's struggles to raise enough money to post bond as a precondition for appealing the verdict.

"There's a reason nobody wants to put up bond for this guy," she argued. "He's been scamming people his entire life, not paying his debts. Who wants to put up money for this guy right now?"

Former Biden campaign official Ashley Allison said that President Joe Biden could actually benefit from Trump's legal woes by highlighting all the ways he's swindled people over the years.

"He's a liar, he's a cheat, he's a crook," she said. "He doesn't understand your life story and he's not going to fight for you now."

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'Swing voters don't like criminals': Pollster whacks claim that trials are good for Trump www.youtube.com

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