'These are your own words!' CNN reporter grills GOP candidate over 'execute Obama' posts

North Carolina superintendent candidate Michele Morrow talks with CNN's Shimon Prokupecz (Screen cap)

Sparks flew this week when CNN correspondent Shimon Prokupecz caught up with far-right North Carolina superintendent candidate Michele Morrow, who refused to discuss any of her past controversial remarks on social media.

Morrow, a homeschooling advocate who defeated the Republican incumbent for the nomination in a surprise upset, has called for former President Barack Obama and President Joe Biden to be executed, called public schools "indoctrination centers," promoted QAnon conspiracy theories, and suggested that China stationed troops in Canada to rig the 2020 presidential election — none of which she was willing to discuss with Prokupecz.

"I want to ask you ... do you still stand by your comments about former President Barack Obama and that he should be executed, calling for the death of of other presidents?" asked Prokupecz. "Do you stand by what you've said about the public education system and that needs to be destroyed? Do you stand by that? Do you understand the concern that people have with this nomination?"

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"Do you know that education is a problem in this entire country?" replied Morrow. "So maybe they need to focus on what's going on in your state of New York, which by the way is where I grew up. Maybe they need to focus on what's going on in California, where children are not getting the education that they need. Maybe they needed to focus on what they're doing in Michigan. Because right now in North Carolina, I'm focused on helping the families of North Carolina for their children to get quality education for them to be safe and for us to be sure that our money is going into the classroom rather than bureaucracies."

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"But you have said such hurtful things in terms of transgender students," Prokupecz continued.

"I am so done with the gotcha moments," Morrow snapped.

"This is not a gotcha," said Prokupecz. "This is your own words, ma'am ... you have said that the former president—"

"How do you know?" she said.

"Because you tweeted — are those not your tweets?" Prokupecz said. "Do you deny saying that? You have an opportunity now. Do you deny saying that in those tweets?"

Morrow still refused to engage with the questions and only replied, "I am going to discuss education."

"Have you talked about the indoctrination of children by teachers?" Prokupecz continued. "Have you talked about that? Have you said that about students?"

"Have you seen any of me going to the school board for the last five years? Because you will have my answer," Morrow said.

Watch the video below or at the link here.

Shimon Prokupecz confronts Michele Morrow for extreme social posts www.youtube.com

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