Psychologist details the best hobbies to help with loneliness while working from home

While working from home has its benefits, such as eradicating the commute, it can also lead to its own issues like loneliness caused by the isolation of being by yourself all day.

There are numerous ways that loneliness can be dealt with and one of the best methods is to engage in a regular hobby. The Focus spoke with Silja Litvin, a psychologist and founder of the mental health platform PsycApps, to uncover the best hobbies to help combat loneliness and why they can be so beneficial when working from home.

Why hobbies can be beneficial for mental health

Hobbies are a great way to unwind from work and to help alleviate the feeling of isolation that remote workers may feel due to being at home by themselves all day.

Psychologist Silja Litvin, who has more than 10 years of experience providing counseling and therapy, told The Focus that there are numerous benefits to taking up a hobby for a person’s mental health.

“Engaging in hobbies provides a healthy outlet for stress relief, allowing individuals to unwind and relax after a long day of work,” she explained. “They can also release endorphins, which are natural mood lifters, helping to combat feelings of loneliness and boredom commonly experienced by those who work from home.”

“Incorporating hobbies into daily routines also promotes a healthy work-life balance, preventing burnout and enhancing overall satisfaction with life,” she added.

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Hobbies you can try to boost your mental health

While exercising at the gym may be one of the more common hobbies to help blow off some steam and boost mental health, Silja suggested several alternatives that may be a more attractive option to those less inclined to sign up for a gym membership.

Creative pursuits such as “painting, drawing, writing, playing a musical instrument, or crafting offer similar mood-boosting effects and opportunities for self-expression,” Silja explained.

The psychologist also highlighted several outdoor activities including “hiking, biking, birdwatching, or gardening,” as they “provide the benefits of physical activity and connection with nature, which have been shown to positively impact mental health.”

Meanwhile, mindfulness practices such as “meditation, tai chi, or yoga can help reduce stress, increase self-awareness, and promote relaxation,” she added.

Litvin also suggested several hobbies that may have flown under the radar for many, including volunteering as “participating in community service or volunteering for a cause one cares about can provide a sense of purpose, social connection, and fulfillment, contributing to overall well-being.”

She also recommended learning new skills as a beneficial hobby, as they not only keep you occupied but can also help you grow as a person.

“Taking up cooking classes, photography courses, or learning a new language stimulates the brain, promotes personal growth, and offers a sense of achievement,” she said.

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My go-to hobby

Ever since I started working from home more than five years ago, I have participated in a casual six-a-side soccer league.

As someone who has never been that keen on the idea of lifting weights in the gym, playing sports has been a great way for me to venture out of the house and get in some much-needed exercise and social interaction.

I personally feel that the competitive element of playing in an organized league, albeit casual, is a great way of forming new friendships as my teammates and I all have the same goal of winning and can share in the same joy of earning victory or frustration after suffering a defeat.

On top of that, I also find it much easier to motivate myself to put in the effort if I’ve got teammates relying on me so that we can beat a team of opponents than I would if I were heading to the gym by myself.

Taking part in a casual sports league is a hobby that psychologist Silja Litvin advocates for as well as it can provide benefits to both mental and physical health.

“Joining a casual sports team fosters social interaction and a sense of belonging, providing opportunities to meet new people and form friendships, which can alleviate feelings of isolation,” she explained.