Four fire engines at Bockhanger Lane in Ashford following blaze at takeaway restaurant

Firefighters are battling a blaze at a takeaway restaurant.

Crews were called at 1:15pm to Bockhanger Lane in Kennington, Ashford.

Four fire engines and a height vehicle are in attendance, and crews are using hose reel jets and covering jets to extinguish the alight building.

A spokesperson for the service added that a flat above the property has also been affected.

They said: “Other homes and businesses within the building have been evacuated as a precaution.

“No injuries have been reported.”

Fire crews have been called to Bockhanger Lane in Ashford following a blaze. Picture: Jo Ferguson

One witness captured a dramatic video of smoke billowing into the air.

Fire engines could also be seen driving towards the blaze, and sirens could be heard.