Financial Collective’s Book Becomes An Instant Best Seller

The Exit Strategy 5 Launches Their New Book “DESIGN YOUR WEALTH MINDSET: Guidelines, Principles & Strategies GPS”

The Exit Strategy comprises five dynamic women: Monica Love, Brandi Gamble, Rosalind Marie, I Am Morgana, and Carolyn Leak achieved an impressive milestone with the launch of her inaugural book, “DESIGN YOUR WEALTH MINDSET: Guidelines, Principles & Strategies GPS” This compelling publication, available on Amazon, swiftly soared to the Best Seller list, setting a new standard in Business & Investing.

“DESIGN YOUR WEALTH MINDSET: Guidelines, Principles & Strategies GPS” tackles a crucial dilemma faced by many women: the societal pressure to prioritize appearance over genuine well-being and financial security. This transformative book introduces a novel approach to wealth, emphasizing that true wealth is a mindset that encompasses more than just financial success. It involves understanding one’s past to avoid repeating mistakes, prioritizing real-life contentment and prosperity over mere appearances, and thriving through strategic growth in personal net worth.

Authored by the Exit Strategists, this insightful guide lays out a comprehensive strategy for achieving a wealth mindset, highlighting the importance of time management, leveraging business ownership to address financial disparities, and shifting from a Fixed Mindset to a Growth Mindset. This shift is crucial for embracing learning, taking risks, and seizing new opportunities. The book offers actionable advice on navigating life’s financial challenges with grace and foresight, advocating for a balanced life that values both financial success and personal fulfillment.

“DESIGN YOUR WEALTH MINDSET” serves as both a roadmap and a call to action for individuals seeking to break free from limiting beliefs around money and success. It provides a detailed framework for cultivating a life that is rich in both monetary and emotional terms, proving that with intentional effort and the right guidance, achieving financial freedom and a fulfilling life is within reach. This book is an essential resource for anyone looking to redefine success and embark on a journey toward a more prosperous, well-rounded life.

“Design Your Wealth Mindset is full of so many truths and fundamentals. Each author covered topics that made me feel like they were speaking directly to me. Each chapter gave me more insight.” says reader C. Hart.

BSG Publishing CEO, Kathy Kaye, expresses her admiration, saying, “This is not your grandpa’s stuffy, boring book on money. It kept my interest with the turn of every page and gave me steps I can take today. I highly recommend this book.”

One Amazon reader has given the book a resounding five-star review, sharing, “Power moves that every single woman needs to take. Read this!”

Get your copy today!

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