'Trump told me he wiped ISIS off the planet': Ex-president mocked following terror attack

Donald Trump (Photo of Trump via Agence France-Presse)

A devastating terrorist attack on a concert venue in Moscow that has reportedly left burning devastation, dozens of people dead, and dozens more injured still has a number of questions swirling around it, chiefly who carried out the attack and why.

Islamic State (ISIS) has claimed credit for the attack in a post on Telegram in the hours following the news. However, experts caution there is no actual proof ISIS was involved, and that the extremist group has a track record of falsely taking credit for disasters they had nothing to do with, to try to inflate their perceived worldwide capabilities.

But that hasn't stopped some commentators from weighing in on X — and using the opportunity to pummel former President Donald Trump for his past wild claims about ISIS.

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"That’s odd. Trump told me he wiped ISIS off the planet," wrote legal and political commentator Bradley P. Moss, an expert in national security.

"With ISIS apparently claiming responsibility for the terrorist attack in Moscow, two things," wrote former GOP-turned-Democratic strategist Ron Filipkowski. "1. Since we warned about an ISIS attack in Moscow 2 weeks ago, which Putin dismissed, our Intel knows more about what’s going on in Russia than theirs. 2. Trump says he destroyed ISIS."

"Somehow ISIS has returned," wrote user "B0I," posting a picture of Poe Dameron delivering the infamous original line about Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker.

Trump wasn't the only one who got a tongue-lashing over the recent developments — Russian President Vladimir Putin, still conducting a brutal war against Ukraine and against internal dissent within his country, didn't escape it either.

"ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack in Moscow," wrote Puck News' Julia Ioffe. "Let's recall that the Kremlin has labeled the LGBTQ movement an extremist one on par with ISIS. Bravo, Vladimir Putin."

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