Soyuz rocket carrying first Belarusian woman in space en route to ISS

Two astronauts from Belarus and the US have set off for the International Space Station (ISS) together with a Russian cosmonaut, marking the first time that a woman from Belarus is travelling to space.

The Soyuz MS-25 spacecraft lifted off from Russia's Baikonur Cosmodrome in the steppes of Kazakhstan at 1236 GMT.

A first launch attempt had been aborted 20 seconds before take-off on Thursday due to technical problems.

Saturday's launch saw Belarusian astronaut Marina Vasilevskaya, who is being accompanied by NASA astronaut Tracy Dyson and Russian cosmonaut Oleg Novitsky, becoming the first woman from her country to make it into space.

Space cooperation between the US and Russia, including Moscow's ally Belarus, continues despite the US sanctions imposed on Russia over the war in Ukraine.

The launch also saw two women aboard a Soyuz capsule flying to the ISS for the first time.

This is Dyson's third flight into space and Novitsky's fourth.

Vasilevskaya works as a flight attendant for the Belarusian company Belavia. During her two-week stay on the ISS, she will carry out scientific experiments and take spectral images of the Earth's surface.

According to Russian space agency Roskosmos, she will return to Earth with Novitsky and US astronaut Loral O'Hara in the Soyuz MS-24 at the beginning of April.

Dyson will remain on the ISS until September and will then travel home with cosmonauts Oleg Kononenko and Nikolai Chub. Kononenko, 59, holds the record for the longest stay on the ISS. By the end of his fifth current stay there, scheduled until September 23, he will have spent more than 1,000 days in space.