Entries now open for Newbury in Bloom 2024

Get your gloves on and your trowels out because Newbury in Bloom is back for 2024.

The annual competition is organised by Newbury Town Council and it recognises the town’s most talented green-fingered residents, groups and organisations.

Pictures from the 2020 Newbury in Bloom campaign

Entrants are invited to show off their gardening skills and create eye-catching and memorable natural displays that will make Newbury a more pleasant place to live in.

Town councillor Ian Jee said: “We are so proud of the Newbury in Bloom community and how successful the campaign has been over the past seven years.

“We are hoping that everyone will once again get involved and I am keen to see the work that local communities are doing.

Pictures from the 2020 Newbury in Bloom campaign

“We know that there are a number of new community groups who are involved with local planting and gardening schemes, and we are really looking forward to their entries.

“There are some great prizes on offer to the winners, so get your gloves on and make a start.”

Pictures from the 2020 Newbury in Bloom campaign

There are seven categories in this year’s competition, which are neighbourhood (five or more properties), community project, place of worship or assembly, allotment, miniature garden (window box or hanging basket, maximum 1m x 1m), business and school.

The closing date for entries is May 26 and the judging for the competition will take place in the week commencing June 17.

Pictures from the 2020 Newbury in Bloom campaign

To find out more about this year’s Newbury in Bloom competition, visit the Newbury Town Council website at https://www.newbury.gov.uk/services/newbury-in-bloom/

Awards will be presented for current and ongoing projects and can be of any size, small or large.