Ukraine and Denmark to start cooperation in Defence Tech

Ukrainian soldier (photo: Getty Images)

Ukraine and Denmark will expand bilateral cooperation in the field of defense technologies and development of the UAV industry.

According to the agency, a meeting was held between representatives of Ukraine and Denmark.

During the meeting, three main issues were discussed:

  • development of the UAV industry within the Army of Drones program;
  • opportunities for cooperation with international partners in the field of Defense Tech;
  • current and long-term needs of Ukraine in the technology sector.

"We thank our partners for their visit and support! We hope to build a new track of work in the field of UAVs," the statement said.

Defence Tech is a platform for the development and support of military innovations.

Assistance from Denmark

Back in February of this year, Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen announced that her country had decided to provide Ukraine with all its artillery.

She also called on Western countries to provide Ukrainian defenders with weapons, ammunition, and air defense systems that they are not currently using.

In March, Denmark announced another package of military aid to Ukraine worth $330 million. It included Caesar self-propelled artillery systems.