Harry and Meghan Ally Questions the Authenticity of the Royal Family's Kate Middleton Cancer Diagnosis Video


Tech entrepreneur and Meghan Markle ally Christopher Bouzy has stirred controversy by questioning the authenticity of Kate Middleton's cancer diagnosis video and accusing the British royal family of engaging in a misdirection campaign, RadarOnline.com has learned.

Bouzy's comments, made shortly after the video went public, have sparked a heated debate about the integrity of the announcement and the motives behind it.

Kate Middleton announced that she was diagnosed with cancer.MEGA

Bouzy, known for his outspoken opinions in the royal sphere, condemned the video as akin to "North Korean propaganda" and criticized the palace for what he perceived as deceit.

In a post on X, Bouzy expressed his skepticism towards the official narrative, stating, "The palace lied, and the British press happily helped them lie."

“The countless ‘conspiracy theory’ headlines, while knowing a lot of what was being said was true,” he wrote in a post shared to his 357,000 followers. “This is really some North Korea / Trumpian type of propaganda."

He shared a follow-up post that read, “I am sorry to hear Kate has cancer, and I hope she has a full recovery. But it is also clear that all three earlier photos of her were fake, and the palace tried to cover it up.”

Kate Middleton's video has come into question.MEGA

The backlash against Bouzy's claims was swift, with royal watchers and social media users condemning his accusations as insensitive and baseless.

“Hmm the Palace lied….nahhh you just couldn’t keep your nasty little noses out of things, and I’m not even a royalist,” sneered one X user. “She is a mother to young children, a wife, a daughter, a sister. She is a damned human being who should not be hounded at the darkest time in her life.”

“You are despicable,” another raged. “Comparing a cancer-stricken mother who TOLD you she’d say something after Easter, it’s still not Easter, to [Donald] Trump and N. Korea is beyond vile.”

Harry and Meghan learned about Kate's diagnosis through television like the general public.MEGA

Despite facing criticism, Bouzy persisted with his allegations, pointing to supposed discrepancies in photos of Kate prior to the announcement.

Rumors of a body double being used in the video further fueled the controversy, with a BBC reporter, Sonja McLaughlan, questioning the identity of the individual beside the future queen. These speculations have added a layer of complexity to the ongoing debate surrounding Kate's health status.

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Harry and Meghan, who reportedly learned about Kate's diagnosis through television like the general public, expressed their well-wishes for her recovery in a brief statement.

The couple emphasized the importance of privacy and healing for the princess and her family during this challenging time.