Rajasthan: People in Kokapur village walk barefoot on fire to celebrate Holi

Dungarpur (Rajasthan) [India], March 25 (ANI): Holi, the festival of colours celebrated all across India, not only marks the arrival of spring in the country, but it is much more than just that.

Apart from playing with colours, enjoying snacks, drinks, etc., various other traditions and beliefs are prevalent in the country. One such tradition is walking barefoot on the embers after Holika Dahan in Kokapur village of Dungarpur district in Rajasthan.

Even today, the people of Kokapur village have kept this tradition, which has been going on for years, alive.

On the next day of Holika Dahan, the villagers walk barefoot on the embers.

The villagers believe that by doing so they will remain healthy for the whole year. They also believe that their wishes be granted and absolve them of all sadness and problems.

Holi, a festival celebrated with as much fervour in the country as it is overseas, will be marked on March 25, Monday, this year.

The festival is preceded by a ritual of lighting bonfires called Holika Dahan, signifying the burning of the demon Holika.

Some of the country's oldest and most popular pilgrimage sites, such as Vrindavan, Mathura, and Barsana, draw revellers on this day, who drench themselves with the colours of Holi. (ANI)