Top 5 Best Award-Winning Documentaries on Netflix You Should Add to Your My List

Documentaries have the power to inform, inspire, and move us in profound ways. Whether shedding light on social issues, exploring unique cultures, or capturing extraordinary human stories, these films offer a window into different worlds. If you’re looking for compelling documentaries to add to your watchlist, consider these award-winning gems available on Netflix. From tales of resilience and activism to poignant reflections on life and humanity, each of these documentaries offers a captivating and thought-provoking viewing experience.

Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution (2020)

Credit: Netflix, Inc.

Synopsis: Follow the journey of a group of teens with disabilities whose transformative experiences at a summer camp ignite a powerful movement for greater equality and inclusion. Awards: Winner of the Audience Award at the Sundance Film Festival; Winner of the Documentary honoree at the Peabody Awards.

The Trader (Sovdagari) (2018)

Credit: Netflix, Inc.

Synopsis: Explore the rural life in the Republic of Georgia through the lens of a traveling trader, offering insights into a community where potatoes serve as currency and poverty casts a shadow over aspirations. Awards: Winner of the Short Film Jury Award at the Sundance Film Festival.

The Elephant Whisperers (2022)

Credit: Sikhya Entertainment

Synopsis: Join Bomman and Bellie, a couple from south India, as they nurture and care for an orphaned baby elephant named Raghu, forging an extraordinary bond and a family like no other. Awards: Winner of Best Documentary Short Film at the 2023 Oscar Academy Awards.

Heroin(e) (2017)

Credit: Netflix, Inc.

Synopsis: Delve into the heart of West Virginia’s opioid epidemic as three women—a fire chief, a judge, and a street missionary—combat the crisis with compassion and determination. Awards: Nominated for the Academy Award for Best Documentary (Short Subject) at the 2018 Oscar Academy Awards.

Hope Frozen: A Quest to Live Twice (2020)

Credit: Netflix, Inc.

Synopsis: Experience the emotional journey of a Thai scientist and his family as they make the controversial decision to cryonically freeze their terminally ill toddler, embarking on a quest for hope and immortality. Awards: Winner of the Best Documentary Award at the 49th International Emmy Awards.

These award-winning documentaries on Netflix offer poignant insights, stirring narratives, and unforgettable stories that deserve a place on your watchlist. From celebrating resilience and activism to exploring the depths of human experience, each film invites viewers to reflect, empathize, and engage with the world in meaningful ways. So, if you’re seeking compelling storytelling and thought-provoking content, don’t miss out on these cinematic treasures that have captured the hearts and minds of audiences worldwide.