Trump calls on GOP to boot Florida member of Congress who supported DeSantis

Representative Ron DeSantis addresses a crowd while President Donald Trump watches at a rally in Tampa, Florida, on July 31, 2018.

The lone Florida Congress member who endorsed Gov. Ron DeSantis in his unsuccessful bid for president is being targeted by Donald Trump, who is calling on Republicans to launch a primary challenge against her.

Rep. Laurel Lee, who won her election in a safe red district, also resisted calls from Trump-supporting lawmakers to do an audit of Florida's 2020 election result when she served as the state's top election official under DeSantis.

In a post to Truth Social this Sunday, Trump said he wants Republicans to find someone to oust Lee.

“Any great MAGA Republicans looking to run against Laurel Lee in Florida’s 15th Congressional District? IF SO, PLEASE STEP FORWARD!” Trump wrote.

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As Politico points out, Lee was the only member of Florida's congressional delegation to endorse DeSantis back in April of 2023 before he officially jumped into the race. Most of the Florida delegation supported Trump.

Lee switched her support to Trump after DeSantis ended his campaign.

Federal campaign finance records show that no Republicans have stepped forward to challenge Lee as of yet, although former Republican state legislator Jackie Toledo seems to have expressed interest in a post to X, saying she is a “Great MAGA Republican answering the call and ready to serve.”

Lee reportedly received threats when she refused to audit her state's 2020 election results based on false claims of voter fraud. While she oversaw the state's election office, it was sued over a series of controversial election laws that were pushed by DeSantis, some of which included limits on drop boxes and restrictions on the voting rights for convicted felons.

Lee has historically voted alongside Republicans on many issues, but sometimes broke with her party when it came to more conservative issues, such as when she voted in favor of the $1.2 trillion spending package that was designed to keep the government open.

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