Interactive A.I. Robot Dog Unleashed by Chinese Company Can Respond to 30 Voice Commands

A Chinese company has unleashed the latest mechanical marvel designed to combat loneliness and isolation. Introducing: metaDog.

Powered by artificial intelligence (AI), the robotic canine companion is programmed to evolve alongside its owner "just like a real dog," has learned.

Chinese company Elephant Robotics has unleashed a robotic canine companion called metaDog, powered by artificial intelligence. By: Kickstarter/metaDog

The company behind the invention, Elephant Robotics, describes metaDog as: "A lifelike and interactive robotic dog that's always there to brighten your day," according to its Kickstarter campaign.

It was inspired as a solution for people who can't have a real pet for reasons like housing restrictions, allergies or age.

"It exhibits lifelike behaviors and emotions that evolve just like a real dog," the Kickstarter site reads. "With its soft fur, charming sounds, endearing movements, expressive eye animations, and the convenience of USB-C charging, you'll want to cherish it forever."

MetaDog comes in husky and Shiba Inu breeds, with a wagging tail and realistic appearance. Its AI-enabled dynamic movements mimic dog behavior, including panting, barking and howling, as well as blinking, squinting and other eye movements for added realism.

MetaDog mimics dog behavior, including panting, barking and howling, as well as blinking, squinting and other eye movements. By: Kickstarter/metaDog

The company used a unique algorithm that allows the robot dog to learn and adapt to its owner by continually analyzing its interactions and sensor inputs.

MetaDog responds to more than 30 voice commands with sounds, actions and animations, allowing users to engage in emotional exchanges like they would a living dog. It will also respond to a customized name chosen by the user, "providing an experience akin to engaging with a lively pet."

The technology is also accompanied by an app that brings the robot "to life" with interactive games, which Elephant Robotics calls "a perfect blend of the real and imaginary."

The metaDog has 12 hours of battery life, and features an on/off switch as well as a mute button. It can be purchased at a "Super Early Bird" price of $149 on the Kickstarter site, and the company said it planned to begin shipping by the end of March.

The robot dog responds to 30 different voice commands and and adapts to its owner by continually analyzing its interactions and sensor inputs. By: Kickstarter/metaDog

"We're thrilled to share that metaDog has entered the manual fur assembly and testing phase," the company said. "Each metaDog is being meticulously crafted to ensure top-notch quality and functionality."

According to Kickstarter, 45 backers pledged a total of $35,480 to make the project a reality.

The Elephant Robotics website currently allows users to purchase the metaDog's feline counterpart, metaCat, which meows, purrs and can be dressed up with accompanying accessories.

A growing body of research shows robotic companions can be effective in combating loneliness in aging and increasingly isolated populations.

MetaDog comes in husky and Shiba Inu breeds and can be purchased from the Kickstarter site at a "Super Early Bird" price of $149. By: Kickstarter/metaDog

“Right now, all the evidence points to having a real friend as the best solution,” Murali Doraiswamy, a professor of Psychiatry and Geriatrics at Duke University and a member of the Duke Institute for Brain Sciences, said in a 2023 university article. “But until society prioritizes social connectedness and eldercare, robots are a solution for the millions of isolated people who have no other solutions.”

The number of Americans without any close friends has quadrupled since 1990, according to the Survey Center on American Life, which also reported that increased loneliness and social isolation may affect one-third of the world's population.

Loneliness and isolation can also be detrimental to health, as they have ben linked to a rise in mental illness, obesity, dementia and early death.

TMX contributed to this report.