Drink driver crashed car into hedge in Lode

A motorist who claimed he had drunk ‘a couple of pints’ when he crashed his car into a hedge has been disqualified from driving.

James Jerred, 50, of no fixed address, drove his blue Nissan Almera into the front garden of a property in Swaffham Road, Lode, on the evening of 5 November.

Nearby residents called police and Jerred blew 123 at the roadside, three-and-a-half times the legal limit of 35 microgrammes per 100 millilitres of breath. He went on to give an evidential reading of 105 in custody.

Jerred was disqualified from driving for four years at Cambridge Magistrates’ Court on Friday (22 March) after pleading guilty to drink driving.

He was also given a 12-month community order and must carry out 40 hours unpaid work.

PC Joseph Leyland said: “There is absolutely no excuse for drink driving and it is lucky he didn’t do himself, other road users or residents of Swaffham Road any serious harm.

“Jerred has been given an opportunity by the court to get help for his addiction and we hope he takes full advantage of it to turn his life around.”