Tashkent Railcar Plant targets milestone for Uzbekistan with production of electric and metro trains

By Tawney Kruger in Tashkent

Tashkent Railcar Plant has announced that it intends to launch production of electric and metro trains in what will be a milestone for Uzbekistan.

The production project, to be run under the guidance of Ukrainian passenger carriage and electric train supplier NPO ATOR, is to produce suburban electric trains that boast asynchronous traction motors. The trains will have a maximum speed of 120 km/h and will accommodate up to 306 passengers.

After suburban train production is achieved, the plant will add production of regional electric trains, with a maximum speed of 160 km/h and the capacity to carry up to 360 passengers.

The manufacturing of “cutting edge” metro trains is also planned, according to Tashkent Railcar Plant.

Component production localisation of 40-45% is targeted, it added.

Uzbekistan Railways and Tashkent Metro have existing contracts with the Czech Škoda Group and Metrowagonmash, a subsidiary of Transmashholding (TMH) from Russia, for the supply of electric and metro trains.

The inauguration of electric and metro train production in Uzbekistan is seen as a leap forward in modernising the country's railway transport system and underlining its commitment to independent development and infrastructure advancement.