Dems renew demand that GOP investigates Jared Kushner's overseas business dealings

Jared Kushner

Democrats are taking aim at Jared Kushner, sending a letter to Republicans on the Oversight Committee asking them to hold a hearing into Donald Trump's son-in-law's overseas business deals.

According to a The New York Times report, a plan by Kushner and his business partners to redevelop a prized location in Serbia’s capital is similar to interest expressed by Trump a decade ago in pursuing a deal for the site "and a similar proposal pushed during his White House term by a top aide" who now works with Kushner.

“This Committee cannot claim to be ‘investigating foreign nationals’ attempts to target and coerce high-ranking U.S. officials’ family members by providing money or other benefits in exchange for certain actions while continuing to ignore these matters,” Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) and Rep. Robert Garcia (D-CA) wrote in a letter Tuesday to Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY), according to a report from Politico.

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“We therefore urge you to work with us to finally investigate Mr. Kushner’s receipt of billions of dollars from foreign governments in deals that appear to be quid pro quos for actions he undertook as senior White House adviser in Donald Trump’s Administration,” they added.

The letter also points out that legislation Comer is drafting on ethics and financial disclosure rules would also apply to Trump and his family if he wins the 2024 presidential election.

It comes a week after Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH)brushed off similar demands made by Raskin at a House hearing on influence peddling.

Raskin has also called for Kushner to be subpoenaed over a $2 billion deal made with the Saudis.

Speaking to Politico, a GOP Oversight Committee spokesperson said that it's unlikely that Republicans will comply with the letter.

“Unlike the Bidens, Jared Kushner has a legitimate business and has a career as a business executive that predates Donald Trump’s political career. Democrats’ latest letter is part of their playbook to shield President Biden from oversight. The House Oversight Committee will continue to investigate President Biden’s abuse of public office and hold the Bidens accountable for their corruption,” the spokesperson said.

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