New A.I. Robot for Kids 'Recalls Past Conversations,' Stores Customizable Profile for Child

Toymaker Mego announced Tuesday that its My2XL artificial intelligence robot for kids can now be purchased on Amazon. has learned that the robot can speak more than 18 languages and even switch languages mid-conversation.

The Mego2 Kids Cobot (Companion Robot) can speak 18 languages and interact with kids using AI. By: Mego

Known as the 2XL Cobot, or companion robot, it’s designed to help children develop verbal and social skills and build their vocabulary through friendship with the robot. It went on sale March 25 on Amazon for $179.99.

The 2XL was first introduced by Mego 2 in October 2023 at Toy Fair New York. The company says the robot is "an evolution of Mego Toys representing the dynamic growth of the company into the AI (artificial intelligence) realm,” and it has a focus on NextGen Tech Toys.

In an interview in January on Techstination, Mego President Bruce Katz said the response to the robot “has been fantastic because this truly is the first interactive fully conversational AI robot for children.”

He said its beauty lies in the fact that “it’s not like in Alexa where you ask a question, and it just gives you an answer. It truy becomes a companion to the child in in being able to have full conversations.”

He also spoke about how the 2XL can be programmed for multiple children of different ages within one household, with each child having the robot programmed with their name, age and topics of interest.

With voice recognition, Mego2 says the robot is the first fully conversational robot using the best real-time generative artificial intelligence to converse, and also features facial expressions conveying emotions.

It builds on the original 2-XL made by Mego in 1978. A very early iteration of a smart toy, children were able to interact with the robot by pushing a series of buttons on its stomach to answer questions.

With clear voice recognition, Mego2 says the robot is the first fully conversational robot using the best real-time generative artificial intelligence to converse, and also features facial expressions conveying emotions. By: Mego

Now, its skillset has stretched much further. In addition to its language capabilities, the kid companion robot can also help expand children’s imagination by engaging with a child’s invented stories. It can even recall past conversations and build on them over time. Additionally, children can ask the robot to share a riddle or joke or play a trivia or guessing game. It can be also be used to help solve math problems and play a variety of games.

While the robot is designed for kids, it comes with parental controls and safety guardrails. Parents can program approved topics of conversation and read transcripts of conversations via an app that uses a Bluetooth connection to a tablet or smartphone to access user profiles, safety features, and the AI platform. Connection to the robot is dependent on uninterrupted connectivity to the app.

While the robot is designed for kids, it comes with parental controls and safety guardrails. Parents can program approved topics of conversation and read transcripts of conversations via an app. By: Mego

Said Katz, “With the app, the parents are able to put in a profile of the child,” including not just his or her name and age, but also customize it to the child’s likes and interests.

He also said there are multiple guardrails that are impenetrable, “so if the child asks any questions that are deemed to be inappropriate… the 2XL will simply answer, 'I’m sorry that’s not a subject that myself as a robot should be answering for you.'” Katz said the robot will then tell the child to seek advice from a parent, a teacher or a guardian.

TMX contributed to this report.