Govt credibility on the line today

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Govt credibility on the line today

KK Mart outrage turns violent

Charges filed against KK Mart

Govt credibility on the line today

The government's credibility will be put to the test today when the Dewan Rakyat debates the controversial citizenship amendments.

The government needs a two-thirds majority to pass the amendments to the Federal Constitution.

In the run-up to the debate, the government had dropped plans to deny foundlings automatic citizenship.

However, critics say the remaining amendments are still problematic.

Government backbenchers have previously threatened to go against the administration on this bill.

Barring any last-minute changes, this could see a challenge at the committee stage of the debate, where MPs could reject contentious parts of the bill.

However, worse yet would be if the government fails to secure a two-thirds majority to pass the bill entirely.

Perikatan Nasional, which was a potential lifeline for the Madani government, are now upset with the bill due to the foundlings amendment being dropped.


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KK Mart outrage turns violent

The outrage against KK Mart took a violent turn yesterday when a petrol bomb was hurled at one of the convenience store's outlets in Bidor, Perak.

Fortunately, the bomb did not ignite.

Police have the perpetrator on CCTV.

PAS Youth are among those who have called for calm in the wake of the attack.

DAP Youth chief Kelvin Yii, meanwhile, said politicians who fanned tensions are indirectly responsible for the incident.


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Charges filed against KK Mart

KK Mart, its founder Chai Kee Kan and his wife - who is also a company director - have been charged for deliberately hurting religious feelings over the socks controversy.

Meanwhile, the company's former supplier Xin Jiang Chang and three directors were charged for abetting the crime.

All parties claimed trial to the charges.

Meanwhile, KK Mart is also suing Xin Jiang Chang for alleged sabotage over the socks issue.


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Views that matter

Why does Umno want to destroy KK Mart?

By S Thayaparan

If we don't talk about our hurt, rage will consume us

By Ooi Kok Hin

What does it mean to be Malaysian?

By Safiyuddin Sabri

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