How Rasmus Hojlund fared on international duty for Denmark, shows manager is a man of his word

Manchester United striker Rasmus Hojlund was not over-exerted on international duty for Denmark.

A dream start to 2024 for Rasmus Hojlund has turned into a bit of an annoying one. After setting goalscoring records, the Dane suffered an injury which kept him out for three weeks.

He played just one match before the international break, where he lacked sharpness, before being called into the Denmark squad.

United fans were understandably concerned whether Hojlund could be over-used in these friendlies and pick up injuries. Fortunately, it has all gone to plan.

Photo by Lars Ronbog / FrontZoneSport via Getty Images

Rasmus Hojlund used sparingly

Rasmus Hojlund started at the weekend in Denmark, but was left frustrated amid a defeat to Switzerland.

Last night Denmark hosted minnows Faroe Islands, and Denmark could have quite easily thrown Hojlund in and used it as an exercise for him to get a few more goals and add to his confidence.

Instead, Denmark manager Kasper Hjulmand decided to leave Hojlund on the bench and only used him for the final 11 minutes.

Denmark were already 2-0 up, how the game ended, with Hojlund getting a little runout where he touched the ball just six times.

Hojlund did not manage a shot attempt, although did create one chance, impressively.

Speaking to Tipsbladet, the Manchester United striker said: “I have been through a troublesome injury process, but now I am fit for the fight.

“I think I’ve played more games than I’ve had full training sessions since I came back, so it’s common sense that speaks when we look at the number of minutes I’ve had this time.”

Denmark manager a man of his word

The use of Rasmus Hojlund against the Faroe Islands was really sensible management. Denmark did not need him, and were never likely to.

Hjulmand had stated prior to the two games: “He plays on Saturday, and then we’ll see what happens from there.

“There are no restrictions on him for the first game. There are never restrictions on anyone, but it is about what is wise to do for Rasmus after he has been out.

“We make a plan for what is best for Rasmus to get the best build-up, both for us and for (Man United’s) benefit. It’s not the case that we just smash players through with a risk that he could be injured, and that then affects our European Championships. That won’t make sense.”

And it certainly didn’t make sense to risk Hojlund last night. Hjulmand proved to be a man of his word, and the striker will return to Manchester United this weekend rested up and ready to start at Brentford.