'Traitors to the Crown': British Fighters for Russia Deny They're Terrorists

People around the world have taken sides between Russia and Ukraine. In at least two cases, British residents have taken Russia’s side all the way to the battlefield.

Knewz.com has learned about two men who not only are fighting with the Russian army, but telling their stories on social media.

Ben Stimson holds an unexploded grenade in a social media post. By: YouTube.com

“We’ve got some British taxpayers’ returns,” Ben Stimson said in one video Thursday, March 14, as he showed a grenade shell that never exploded.

He was joined by the man he calls his “best British friend in the Russian army,” Aiden Minnis.

“Every man takes his choice,” Stimson added in a separate video posted on the VK social media site over the weekend of March 23-24. “A lot of us, the foreign volunteers, have chosen to come over to this side… the Russian side.”

For one former British Army commander, it’s the wrong choice.

“These two are an absolute disgrace,” retired Col. Richard Kemp told The Daily Mirror tabloid. To him, they’re “traitors who upon their return to the U.K. should be arrested and jailed.”

British residents who fight against Ukraine's military (pictured) risk arrest. By: MEGA

Stimson, 48, already has spent time in jail. He spent five years in a British prison for terrorism, after helping pro-Russian separatists in the Donbass region when Russia seized the Crimean peninsula.

Stimson went back to Russia in February, eight months after his sentence ended. Acquaintances say he was homeless and using heroin after leaving jail.

Stimson said he was persuaded to become “a soldier of the new Russia” after reading pro-Russian material online. So he sold his belongings to purchase plane tickets to Moscow and a three-month visa.

Stimson claims his laptop and phone were seized at the Manchester Airport, and he faced questions about terrorism laws. But he reached Russia via Turkey with two hidden flash drives.

Security workers at Manchester Airport in England asked Stimson about terrorism. By: MEGA

Minnis, 37, also has a criminal record, for everything from drugs to a racist attack.

Minnis, who says his heritage is Irish, once was a member of the National Front in France. He now calls himself a “sapper” in the Russian army, which means he builds trenches and tunnels.

The Russian army probably doesn’t mind what the Britons are doing. Front Page Detectives has noted the Kremlin has put convicted criminals on the front lines.

Since Britain’s government supports Ukraine, Stimson and Minnis face arrest should they return to Britain. They’d likely face terrorism charges, although the Home Office would only say they “should expect to be investigated.”

"The war in Ukraine is a matter of vital interest and security for the U.K.,” former Joint Forces chief Gen. Sir Richard Barrons said.

"They played too much Call of Duty,” former Special Air Service fighter Phil Campion said, adding they’re “traitors to the Crown.”

Minnis may have a mind to stay in Russia. He calls President Vladimir Putin “the greatest politician on Earth.”

One Briton fighting for Russia calls Vladimir Putin "the greatest politician." By: MEGA

Stimson’s visa expires Friday, May 17. Stimson’s father wouldn’t mind if he never comes back.

“I’ve cut him off,” said Martin Stimson, a 76-year-old former town councilor. “He’s been a constant worry… You never know what he’ll do next.”

The father also talked with The Sun, saying Ben talked about working in Russia as a “teaching assistant.”

The son responded by saying his father supports Ukraine and tipped off authorities to his location before his 2015 arrest.

“I’m not a f---ing terrorist, remember that,” Ben Stimson said.