Polish general dismissed over counterintelligence concerns

Yaroslav Gromadzinski

Gromadzinski is also required to return immediately to Poland from Strasbourg, where the Eurocorps HQ is located. Eurocorps is a multinational rapid reaction force command, whose forces can be deployed in operations under the auspices of the EU, NATO, and the UN.

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The ministry explained that the Polish general was dismissed due to "new information" received about him and is also based on an ongoing investigation under the Poland’s Classified Information Act.

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Gromadzinski took up his post as the commander of the Eurocorps in June 2023. Before this appointment, he served as an advisor to the Chief of the General Staff in Poland.

Recently, he also worked with the international Security Assistance Group — Ukraine in Wiesbaden, where, alongside U.S. military personnel, he was responsible for the training of Ukrainian troops.

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Section: Nation

Author: Іван Борисенко