Number of unemployed in Germany drops slightly in March

The number of unemployed in Germany fell in March compared to the previous month by 45,000 to 2.769 million, the Federal Labour Agency announced on Thursday.

The unemployment rate was 6.0% compared to 6.1% in February. Compared to March of the previous year, however, there were 176,000 more people unemployed.

"Unemployment and underemployment did fall in March, but less than usual this month. The economic downturn is therefore still having an impact on the labour market. Overall, however, it continues to hold up relatively well," commented Andrea Nahles, head of the agency. The figures were collected on March 13.

The agency registered 707,000 vacancies in March, which is 70,000 fewer than a year ago. In terms of short-time work, companies reported 48,000 people on short-time work for the period from March 1 to 24, which is 10,000 fewer than in the same period of the previous month.

Regarding the current situation on the labour market, the Federal Employment Agency announced that 317,000 applicants for training places had registered with the employment agencies and job centres between October and March. Of these, 190,000 had not yet found a training position or an alternative in March. However, the training market is still very much in flux, the agency said.