Trump mocked for 'law and order' comment at murdered cop's wake: 'You're facing 91 counts'

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Donald Trump attended the wake of a slain NYPD police officer who was shot and killed during a traffic stop this week. Speaking to reporters during a press conference, Trump said, "What happened is such a sad, sad event, such a horrible thing."

Officer Jonathan Diller was with another officer when he approached an illegally parked vehicle and asked suspects Lindy Jones and Guy Rivera to move before Rivera opened fire.

"We have to stop it. We have to stop it," Trump told reporters in video shared by ABC News. "We have to get back to law and order. We have to do a lot of things differently, because this is not working."

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Some on social media seized on Trump's words, particularly his call for "law and order," saying that he has no business calling for such a thing when he himself is facing criminal charges in more than one case.

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"Donald Trump—who is facing 91 felony counts and was found liable for sexual assault—says 'we have to get back to law and order,'" political strategist Sawyer Hackett wrote on X.

"Sure. Didn’t he say he wants to pardon these insurrectionists?" wrote another X user who shared a clip of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

"Maybe he'll try to sell his bible there or throw out paper towels. Everyone knows Trump could care less about Jonathan Diller. It's just a photo op," an X user wrote.

"NYPD standing next to someone with 91 felony counts should tell everyone how corrupt and evil they are! Optics be damned!" an X user wrote, referring to the row of police standing behind Trump during his press conference.

"We can start by putting traitors in prison," wrote another.

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