Majorie Taylor Greene Claims She Reveal 'Proof' of 2020 Votes for Trump Were 'Lost in the Mail'

Marjorie Taylor Greene ranted about having 'proof' of lost mail-in ballots for Donald Trump in 2020.Mega

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene revealed she'll "soon" release "proof" that Georgia votes for Donald Trump from the 2020 presidential election were "lost in the mail," has learned.

Greene made the wild claim on Thursday during an appearance on Trump 2016 campaign manager Steve Bannon's War Room podcast.

Greene appeared on Bannon's 'War Room' podcast on Thursday. MEGA

Greene kicked off her claim by bringing up Trump's now infamous phone call with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, in which he pressured the officialto overturn the Peach State's election results.

"In 2020, when absentee ballot voting was at its highest. And so when President Trump got on the phone with our secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, and said, ‘can you find the votes? Where are they?’ He was basically looking for ballots, and these ballots have been lost in the mail," Greene explained.

"And so there was nothing wrong with Trump, with what President Trump said," the Georgia representative claimed.

"As a matter of fact, I think he’ll be vindicated easily by a lot of the work that I’m doing and the proof that I’ll be showing pretty soon."

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Greene claimed Trump would be 'vindicated' by her 'proof.'MEGA

Later in her discussion with Bannon on the allegedly "missing" mail-in ballots, Greene explained "the work" she's doing to vindicate the embattled ex-president.

Green explained her so-called investigation centers on the "failures of the post office and how many absentee ballots do not get counted because they come in late."

Bannon seemed skeptical of Greene claiming she had 'proof' of lost mail-in votes.MEGA

"And this is something that I’m working on very hard with some election offices across the state. And it’s more I’ve got to deliver to you at a later time when I have the numbers," the congresswoman added.

Greene's comments drew a chuckle from Bannon, who then asked, "But but I know, I know, I know you want to get the facts. Are you telling this audience the most powerful audience in all MAGA, that there are issues with the primary that really haven’t been disclosed yet, that there are issues with mail in ballots in the Georgia primary? Is that what you’re telling us?"

Despite claims of voter fraud and election interference from the pro-MAGA base and politicians — which have been disputed in court and by evidence — Greene insisted mail-in ballots for Trump were lost.

Green said "based on 2022 and 2020, these absentee ballots cannot be trusted because the Post Office is not delivering them."

She then seemingly fanned flames of conspiracy theories regarding the 2020 election, "Now, the question as to why the Post Office is not delivering them is a whole ‘nother issue."