Katie Britt faces new claim she's 'whipping up fear of sexual violence from brown people'

WASHINGTON, DC - DECEMBER 07: U.S. Sen. Katie Britt

U.S. Sen. Katie Britt (R-AL), who went viral for her misleading State of the Union response in which she implied President Joe Biden was responsible for sexual assaults that happened in Mexico years before he went to the White House, is now facing similar allegations once again.

Britt was initially criticized for her "over-the-top" delivery of her State of the Union response speech, which saw her at various times appearing to laugh as well as weep in despair as she talked about her two children and her husband. After that, an independent journalist uncovered the fact that one of the examples Britt used was from George W. Bush's presidency.

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On Thursday, Britt appeared to return to a similar theme as her primetime Biden reply.

"When President Biden refuses to prioritize interior enforcement, every state is a border state, and every city is a border city—including my hometown of Enterprise," she said on Thursday. "How many more families will have to suffer before this Admin finally reverses course?"

AL.com columnist Kyle Whitmire chimed in on Britt's new claim.

"Senator, whipping up fear of sexual violence from brown people for political benefit has a history in our state, which you are now perpetuating. Please stop,' Whitmire wrote on Saturday.

Conservative columnist Quin Hillyer called Whitmire out for what he thought was an unfair comparison involving Britt.

"Oh, come ON, Kyle," Hillyer wrote. "There is nothing racial in this Tweet or in anything she has said. And her point is valid. @KatieBrittforAL."

Whitmire then responded.

"Studies have repeatedly shown immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than native-born citizens and are more likely to be the victim of crimes. But this isn't what Britt shares," Whitmire wrote Sunday to Hillyer.

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