Poland Launches Fighter Jets as Russia Pounds Ukraine With 'Intense' Missile Strikes

Poland launched fighter jets on Friday, March 29 as Russian attacks near the border with Ukraine put the country on high alert.

It is the second time this week that Poland's operational command sprang into action amid aggression from Russia, Knewz.com has learned.

Poland launched fighter jets on Friday, March 29 as Russia bombarded its neighbor, Ukraine. By: MEGA

"Please note that Polish and allied aircraft operate in Polish airspace, which may result in increased noise levels, especially in the south-eastern part of the country," Poland's operational command wrote on X.

"Tonight, intense long-range aviation activity of the Russian Federation is being observed, related to missile strikes against objects located on the territory of Ukraine."

"All necessary procedures to ensure the safety of Polish airspace have been launched and DO RSZ is monitoring the situation on an ongoing basis," the Polish operational command concluded the post.

Russia bombarded Ukraine with missiles and drones on Friday, March 29. By: MEGA

Newsweek, citing a Telegram post from Ukraine's Air Force, reports that Russia launched 99 missiles and drones during the attack.

Included in the assault were Shahed drones, Kh-47M2 Kinzhal aeroballistic missiles, Iskander-136 ballistic missiles, Kh-59 guided aircraft missiles, four Iskander-K cruise missiles and 21 Kh-101/Kh-555 cruise missiles.

"The enemy launched a powerful missile-airstrike against the facilities of the fuel and energy sector of Ukraine, using various types of missiles and attack UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles)," Ukrainian Air Force wrote, adding that air-defense systems downed 84 of the 99 launched weapons.

"Honor and praise to all who defend Ukraine from Russian terror. Thank you for your combat efforts. Thank you for this result!" the post added.

Russia President Vladimir Putin has said that the globe is "one step" away from a world war. By: MEGA

Poland, meanwhile, announced on X later on Friday that its forces were called back after the Russian attack was deemed no longer a threat.

"It was another night of increased readiness of Polish and allied systems and intensive service of soldiers #WojskoPolskie , who constantly monitor the situation on the territory of Ukraine and remain constantly ready to ensure the safety of Polish airspace," the operational command wrote on X.

The recent shelling has Poland on edge. Friday's assault caused Polish defense systems to activate for the second time in a week.

As Knewz.com reported on Sunday, March 24, Poland demanded an explanation regarding an incident in which a Russian aerial attack reportedly passed through Polish airspace.

Poland Deputy Foreign Minister of Poland Andrzej Szejna says his country is considering shooting down Russian missiles that violate its airspace. By: Website of the Republic of Poland

The Polish Armed Forces Operational Command stated that a Russian cruise missile entered the airspace of Poland "near the town of Oserdow (Lublin Voivodeship) and stayed there for 39 seconds," according to The Guardian.

"I've said before that Russia will use different ways to poke NATO and look at its reaction. Russia might not want to attack NATO directly, it will be happy if NATO just breaks down. Is NATO becoming aware of the threat?" Ukrainian internal affairs advisor Anton Gerashchenko wrote on X on Tuesday, March 26.

The Russian aggression has ratcheted up the possibility of a conflict with NATO.

As Knewz.com reported on Tuesday, March 26, Poland, a member of NATO, is considering whether or not it will shoot down Russian missiles that enter its airspace.

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky's military continues to try to fend off Russia. By: MEGA

"NATO is analyzing different concepts, including that such missiles should be shot down when they are very close to the NATO border — but this should happen with the consent of the Ukrainian side and taking into account international consequences," Poland Deputy Foreign Minister of Poland Andrzej Szejna said on RMF FM radio, according to an X post from Gerashchenko.

"In this case, NATO missiles would hit Russian missiles outside the territory of the Alliance Treaty," he added.

The possibility of NATO shooting down a Russian missile would likely have significant circumstances. Thus far, NATO has avoided direct contact with Moscow in connection to the Russia-Ukraine war.

But Russia President Vladimir Putin has said that the globe is "one step" away from a world war, and shooting down a missile from the Kremlin could be seen as Western provocation.